Bird brains

Linköping University is home to one of the very few breeding populations of red junglefowl that exists outside of the wild. Multiple labs within their biology department use the population to learn more about the physiology, behavior, and genetic background of the species, and to compare them to their descendant, Read more…

A different kind of chicken

Prairie chickens are actually not directly related to domestic chickens. However, they are a part of the same family (Phasianidae), which encompasses most heavy terrestrial birds, including turkeys, peafowl and quail. The most common kind of prairie chicken is the Greater Prairie Chicken, found in central United States. Unfortunately, the Read more…

Chicken Invasion

The day-to-day appearance of public spaces changed drastically when coronavirus forced people around the world to limit or completely cut off social interaction. What happens when a usually congested area becomes devoid of people? Animals move in! For the past few months, there have been stories from around the world Read more…